There is no manual or guide that can tell you the proper way to be a parent, because every child is different and should be treated as such.
Although that is true, there are some great tips you can employ to make parenting a much easier job than it has been.
1 / Teach your children to be charitable:
There are many things that they can do to help others in and around their community. Volunteering at a soup kitchen or visiting the elderly in a retirement home are just a couple of examples. It’s never too early to begin showing children the importance of giving to others who are in need.
2 / Pick your Battles:
One of the most important things to remember for parents who have children of any age is to learn how to pick your battles. You have to be sure that the argument you are about to enter is really worth all of the meltdown involved, however there are other times when it is essential to stick to your guns.
3 / Encourage Curiosity:
Children are born with a natural curiosity and a desire to learn. As parents, it is very important that we do not extinguish this curiosity and instead nurture it. Great ways to do this include having frequent Q&A sessions with your child. One thing to keep in mind however is instead of making jokes or making up answers to the questions that you do not know the answers to, teach your child how to find answers to those questions on their own.
4 / Listen to your Child:
Make sure you listen to what your child has to say. Listening can be anything from listening to them babble as babies, listening to how their day at school went, or listening to their problems. Kids want to know that you care enough to listen to them. If you listen to them, they’re more apt to listen to you.
5 / Appreciate the Simple Things:
An easy way to build a good relationship with your child is to appreciate the simple things that he does. This can be done by displaying his or her artwork (such as schoolwork) on prominent places such as refrigerator doors. This will make the child feel wanted and appreciated at the same time.
6 / Hug Your Kids:
Do not shy away from personal contact with your children. Children need love and affection and consistent hugging is in order. You have to be able to hug your child and tell them how beautiful they are and say “I love you.” This is a no-brainer but something that is often left off the table.
7 / Sing to Your Children:
Sing to your children often when they are young. Small children enjoy hearing the sound of your voice and are not judgmental about the quality of your singing skills. Whether you are singing nursery rhymes or your favorite song, your child will enjoy the sounds of your singing even when you can’t give them your undivided attention.
8 / Have a Sense of Humor:
The best survival tool for being a parent is a sense of humor. There is always a time and place for seriousness and discipline; however, sometimes the best way to deal with any frustrations your child is presenting is to laugh it off. Embrace your own inner child and giggle with your kids.
While this is all great advice, some of these methods may not work with your children. That does not mean to give up. It just means that you should switch gears and try to find the methods that will help you to be the best parent your child could possibly have.