Imagine if you were able to say some words to your children that could completely transform their lives? A few simple sentences that are easy to learn and takes just minutes to do. Some parents call it "Miraculous!"

We call it The Goulding Method of SleepTalk for Children

On the site we will often refer to the people who use The Goulding Method of SleepTalk for children as "carers." However, we know that now, more than ever, there are many people who care for children who are not necessarily the child's or children's biological parents. Should this apply to your situation, please substitute "carer" for what works better for you; parent, parents, mother, father, stepfather, stepmother, adoptive mother, adoptive father, guardian, grandmother, grandfather, auntie, uncle, nanny, or any other carer who cares for children that they love. You know who you are and we thank you for this most important of responsibilities.

What is The Goulding Method called SleepTalk?

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

SleepTalk Consultants are often asked if The Goulding Method SleepTalk is designed to aid children in sleeping better. The answer is both no and yes.

While SleepTalk is not a specific method aimed at improving a child's sleep, it often achieves this by changing their mindset and reducing concerns that may be affecting their sleep quality. A child will sleep easier, when they worry is gone

Feedback from both parents and professionals using the Goulding Method indicates that children do experience improved sleep with the SleepTalk procedure due to reduced overall worry and stress.

You'll soon discover that The Goulding Method of SleepTalk offers much more than just enhancing sleep for children.

Why Are You Here?

A woman utilizing the goulding method with a sun and lightning symbol.

Why are you here? What brought you to this website? People usually come here for two main reasons.

First, there are desperate parents dealing with a child's problem. They're seeking answers because nobody has been able to help effectively. Sometimes, turning to medications has even made things worse. The Goulding Method was born out of such situations, aiming to provide meaningful solutions.

Second, there are fortunate parents, often newer ones, without major concerns but curious about alternative parenting methods. They might be seeking ways to give their children a head-start.

The Goulding Method has proven to benefit all children, enhancing positives and reducing negatives. It can be seen as the ultimate "edge" in parenting. These two parenting types can be seen as extremes on the parenting spectrum, labeled as Parenting SOS or Parenting 101.

Parenting SOS

Only a person's hands can be seen above the water

SOS! was once a call for help, and it now means "we need assistance."

These caregivers are desperate to find solutions for their child's problems. They've sought advice from various sources, often conflicting, causing self-doubt and confusion.

Sometimes, caregivers feel overwhelmed, like they're drowning. The child's issues can affect their marriage, family, friends, and work.

Issues like tantrums, bullying (both as bully and victim), sibling rivalry, bed-wetting, low self-esteem, selective mutism, school refusal, and even PTSD are common. These are the "Primary Areas of Need" addressed by the Goulding Method, which we'll discuss later.

Thankfully, many Goulding Method families have found a happy, normal life. Check out the testimonials page.

As you are about to see, the Goulding Method originated from a parent facing dire circumstances.

Joane's Story

photo: Joane Goulding. Founder of The Goulding Method  SleepTalk

Shortly after her daughter Michelle was born, Joane knew things weren't right. And these problems were also impacting upon her family.

Joane consulted with many health professionals, and none could give her an accurate diagnosis.

There were even doctors that lay the blame directly on Joane telling here that it was poor parenting.

Then she found out the truth. Joane was devastated!

The Problem

"I consulted professionals, doctors, psychologists and educationists. The overwhelming feedback was that there was something wrong with me! I was not parenting her effectively. And I was dismissed with little to no support. I was inflamed, outraged and stigmatised. I was doing my best, for God’s sake! And I knew in my gut that their assessments were wrong. But I didn’t know where to go to get help."

Read More in the FAQs

The Diagnosis

"...she underwent a new assessment by an independent educational psychologist, who concluded that my treasured baby had cerebral palsy, very likely caused by the birth process. Dyspraxia and dyslexic along with an emotional and intellectual IQ of around 45."

Read More in the FAQs

The Realisation!

"The turning point in our understanding came when we were driving past an empty paddock one day with Michelle in the back of the car when she became very excited. We couldn’t work out why she was so enthusiastic pointing to the empty paddock. It was an empty paddock, after all!

Later that evening when we reflected on it, we realised that just a few weeks before there had been a big, bright and colourful circus on that same spot, and our intellectually challenged daughter had accessed a memory at the moment that she saw the paddock that had been stored in her unconscious, and had tried to talk about what she was remembering."

Read More in the FAQs

After facing criticism from health professionals, Joane was relieved to find she was not at fault, but it came at a high cost—years of heartache, agony, and significant financial impact. She had invested a lot of physical and emotional energy seeking answers for Michelle's problems.

Even still, discovering Michelle's severe handicap was overwhelming for Joane. Despite a diagnosis, little help was available. One doctor even suggested leaving Michelle in a home.

Joane realized that because Michelle felt a sense of not belonging, of being disconnected due to her disability, Michelle was frustrated and expressed herself the only way she could, through anger.

Then one day on an afternoon drive, a glimmer of hope emerged when Michelle showed she had an awareness of what was going on around with that empty circus paddock.

With support from Jim, Joane explored ways to work with Michelle, especially at night when she was asleep and most receptive. The process known as "SleepTalk" was born, thanks to Joane and Jim's unique professional advantage. Over time the procedure has evolved and is now known as The Goulding Method.

The happy ending: Joane and Jim Goulding developed SleepTalk, and Michelle now leads an independent life.

Like them, many caregivers on this site have struggled to find solutions for their child's problems. Despite seeing numerous professionals, they often find no resolution. Fortunately, some discover SleepTalk and see immediate changes with the Goulding Method.

Parenting 101

An image of a man and woman holding a baby.

As mentioned earlier, The Goulding Method or SleepTalk came about because Joane Goulding faced difficulties with her daughter Michelle.

When Joane shared her method with other parents dealing with their children's issues, something became clear. Many parents found that after a few weeks or months, the main problem, the "Primary Area of Need," became much less of an issue and sometimes disappeared.

Yes, some children still needed direct help for their problems, but in many cases, the issues simply vanished after a short time. It seemed like the idea of "All You Need is Love," just like the Beatles song, actually worked!

Then there were parents who used the Goulding Method with children without obvious issues. Some children simply shared a room but picked up on what was happening. Parents did it so other children wouldn't miss out.

Surprisingly, parents reported wonderful changes immediately! Even children without apparent problems became happier, more affectionate, with spontaneous hugs and expressions of love and happiness. It was quite incredible!

And Then it Got Really Interesting

A goulding method child hugging her mom's pregnant belly.

We started hearing back from parents who were doing the Goulding Method SleepTalk with their children, but also while pregnant.

In this case, the mom had never actually done SleepTalk with this child and... well, she describes it beautifully.

Just read a part of a testimonial that was shared by a Goulding Method SleepTalk parent. It's fascinating!

You can read the full testimonial in the link that follows.

The mom writes...

"I am very embarrassed to be writing to you, so long after I completed the SleepTalk course with you.

"If you remember, at the time I was pregnant and had a 6 year old boy named “A” and and a 4 year old girl named “S”. I now also have a gorgeous 1 year old baby girl named “O”...

"Perhaps the most obvious and remarkable thing of all is the reaction that baby “O” has to the SleepTalk words.

"When “O” was only a few months old, I tried to put her down into her cot without cuddling her to sleep, and this change caused her to cry and become quite distressed.... I started to softly repeat the SleepTalk sentences.

"Even through her now piercing screams, the words and the tone of my voice obviously struck a distinct memory within her – as I had begun the SleepTalk process when I was three months pregnant with her.

"The crying immediately stopped and “O” swivelled her head towards me and gazed up in wonder. I really have never seen anything like it.

I kept repeating the sentences over and over until she calmly got herself off to sleep!

"Since then I have been using the SleepTalk method with “O” and she truly is the most happy, contented and calm little baby."

Read the full testimonial

As we discovered, simply saying the Foundation Statement resolved the "Primary Area of Need" problem in many cases. Even children without problems became happier and more affectionate when exposed to the Foundation Statement.

Surprisingly, the Goulding Method SleepTalk Foundation Statement was reported to be heard and remembered by babies still in the womb—an incredible finding!

We now understand SleepTalk benefits all children, including those with or without apparent problems, and even unborn babies. Implementation can begin as early as 18-20 weeks into pregnancy, once a baby's ears develop and they can start hearing sounds.

While the baby may not grasp the meaning of the words, they find comfort in the familiarity, the soothing tone, and recognizing their parents' voices.

Picture the newborn associating faces with those words and, over time, learning the simple words of love and happiness embedded at the deepest level of their mind.

Joane and Jim Goulding Were Not Usual Parents

As you may have guessed already, Jim and Joane weren't your everyday usual parents.

They were both clinical hypnotherapists and had a college where they taught hypnosis and hypnotherapy.

Because they knew that the unconscious mind is a reservoir of thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories that can influence a person's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

They also knew the unconscious could be directly accessed at certain brain wave patterns, and one of those times occurred during sleep.

Through their understanding of the conscious and unconscious mind, Joane and Jim created the Goulding SleepTalk Method a system that has changed countless lives.

Mind Your Mind

image of the unconscious and conscious mind as an iceberg

But before we talk more about the Goulding Method, we need to discuss the "Mind." The Mind is very complex, but in this instance we'd like to discuss just two aspects, the "Conscious mind" and the "Subconscious Mind" (sometimes referred to the unconscious mind."

The Conscious mind is anything that is in your current awareness. The thoughts and feelings you are experiencing at the moment, and your awareness of your current environment are all part of your conscious experiences.

Some people find it helps to think of the mind as an iceberg, with the conscious mind being the smaller portion that is above they water and obvious, while the subconscious mind, considered to be the majority of an individual’s mind exists below the surface, hidden from obvious view.

What is the Subconscious Mind?

If your conscious mind is your awareness, then the subconscious mind is below awareness, hence, subconscious. While some professionals use the terms of subconscious and unconscious mind interchangeably we will be using subconscious to mean below consciousness.

The subconscious mind holds thoughts, feelings, desires, and memories not actively in awareness. It crucially shapes thoughts, emotions, and behaviors without conscious realization.

These hidden processes influence actions and decisions without any conscious thought. The subconscious significantly impacts the conscious mind. The subconscious mind is literal, present-based, non-critical, absorbs all inputs, and doesn't process negatives.

Our experiences and upbringing contribute to beliefs shaping perceptions and reactions. For instance, if someone hears they're not good enough growing up, this belief embeds in their subconscious, affecting self-esteem and choices.

The relationship between the subconscious and conscious mind is dynamic. While the conscious mind decides deliberately, the subconscious impacts decisions by filtering information, triggering emotional responses, and introducing biases.

Sometimes, individuals may not fully grasp why they feel a certain way; this can be due to the subconscious mind's influence. Recognizing the subconscious mind's importance is crucial for personal growth and therapy.

Techniques like psychoanalysis and hypnotherapy aim to bring subconscious thoughts to consciousness for understanding and potentially modifying deep-seated beliefs.

The Goulding Method, (some will say is similar to hypnosis), communicates directly with the child's subconscious mind.

But unlike hypnosis which occurs while the client is awake, Goulding SleepTalk Method is a process that occurs during sleep. And importantly, parents don't need a hypnotist to interact directly with their children's minds.

This makes SleepTalk a potent tool for parents!

Goulding Method is Safe and Ethical

No Medications & Substance Free

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

The Goulding Method is substance-free, safe, and an ethical process for parents to use at home. It's done while children are asleep and is easy to implement.

SleepTalk lets a child's subconscious mind adopt positive suggestions during sleep, shaping a more positive mindset upon waking. It's a simple process for every parent wanting their children to reach their full potential and reaffirm love.

SleepTalk involves parents working with their sleeping children, promoting a positive mindset upon waking. The Goulding Method is as easy as reading a short script called "The Foundation Statement."

When we say "Script," it's not like a prescription but more like actors reading lines. Like actors, after a few days, parents will know the lines by heart.

The Foundation Statement expresses Love and Happiness, spoken while children are asleep. They listen without question. Parents spend about 2 or 3 minutes each evening on "SleepTalk," and the suggestions bring lasting changes for life.

The Foundation Statement

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

We've mentioned "The Foundation Statement" a few times, so what is it exactly?

It's the initial script parents read to their sleeping child. It's the starting point for all Goulding Method SleepTalk children, instilling an unshakeable belief that they are loved and happy.

Initially, it wasn't always "The Foundation Statement." It underwent constant editing until it became a script needing no further changes. As more people became Goulding Method Consultants, something unexpected happened with SleepTalk.

As it became more refined, it no longer needed changes; it covered everything a child needed for a foundational life. All a child needs to know is they are loved and happy—a solid foundation for life!

Now, the Foundation Statement is constant, allowing better evaluation of the entire Goulding Method process. With the same script for all children, consultants can make comparisons on various factors, providing stability despite variables like the times the script is said, how often, and the participants. Having an unchanging Foundation Script allows for a point of stability.

88 Words of Love and Happiness!

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

As we gained more experience with the Goulding Method SleepTalk results, consultants soon realized that every child would benefit from this simple 88 word statement of Love and Happiness.

Consultants found that for many of those children that have issues, many only needed the SleepTalk Foundation Statement, as their problems became less or even disappeared completely.

After implementing the initial SleepTalk statement for 3 months, in around 3 in 4 children that "Primary Area of Concern," stopped being a concern.

Now, every Goulding Method Consultant would start every the Goulding Method child with this exact same message, regardless of whether they present with a problem, whether they appear to have no problem at all, or even if they are unborn!

Every carer, regardless of their reason for implementing Goulding Method, is asked to say the exact same 88 words while their child sleeps.

Wait, Isn't SleepTalk Just Brainwashing?

Home Page 1

Brainwashing, also referred to as mind control, involves altering or controlling the human mind through specific psychological techniques to reduce critical thinking and independence. The term originated in the Korean War, describing the influence of totalitarian regimes of China and North Korea. It suggests altering or controlling the human mind through drugs and psychological techniques and drugs; reducing critical thinking, allowing unwanted thoughts, and changing attitudes, values, and beliefs.

So, when we hear about SleepTalk - a technique for communicating with our children's minds - it's crucial to understand the Goulding Method. In many respects, The Goulding Method is exactly the opposite. There are no drug and the Goulding Method isn't about changing a child's beliefs; it's about nurturing their emotional resilience and self-esteem by tapping directly into the child's subconscious mind while they sleep.

SleepTalk acts as a shield, like a computer's firewall, keeping negativity out and helping children build a strong foundation of self-worth based on love and happiness, resilient against the pressures of the modern world.

Consider these Everyday Influences

1. Peer Pressure

Peer pressure can be one of the most challenging aspects of a child's life. They often face pressure from friends to conform, sometimes even when it goes against their values or better judgment.

The Goulding Method can serve as a shield against these negative influence by reinforcing a strong sense of love and happiness.

SleepTalk empowers children to resist unhealthy peer pressure. When they believe in their own value and abilities, they are less likely to succumb to negative influences that may lead to risky behaviors or compromised values.

2. Cyber Bullying

There are any number of websites sites designed to attract your child. As well, your child's friends and their peers are also on them. Unfortunately, some of these people - and other - will lurk there and sadly their twisted mission in life is to make other people's lives miserable.

Hidden behind a screen of anonymity these bullies and cowards allow their ugliness and nastiness to emerge, to cyberbully your child online and encourage others to join in.

The statistics about cyberbullying are frightening!

  • 90% of teens in the US believe cyber harassment is a problem. 
  • 15% of young cyberbullying victims would prefer to keep the issue a secret.
  • Students are almost twice as likely to attempt suicide if they have been cyberbullied.
  • 80% of teens say that others cyberbully because they think it is funny.
  • 37% of bullying victims develop social anxiety.
  • 59% of US teenagers have experienced bullying or harassment online.
  • 14.5% of children between the ages of 9 and 12 have been cyberbullied.
  • 66.3% of tweens tried to help the victim of cyberbullying.

You can read a summary of statistics from 2023 here

3. Advertising Exposure

Advertising is everywhere! From billboards to social media, and it excels at manipulating our desires and beliefs. Marketing experts are well-versed in the psychology of persuasion, using tactics that tap into our emotions, making us feel that we need their products to find happiness, success, or fulfillment.

And advertising agencies will deny their influence on people's decision making. But if that is true why do companies spend millions of dollars if advertising doesn't work?

Immediately following is just one paragraph study from 2017 by the American Academy of Pediatrics called "The Effect of Advertising on Children and Adolescents." We'd like draw your attention to the bold sentences and the underlined words.

Harm may also be caused by the overwhelming exposure to all types of marketing, and the images within this marketing, that children and adolescents experience. For example, a review of research found a consistent relationship between advertising exposure, materialism, and parent-child conflict. Furthermore, a meta-analysis found that advertising and other media portrayals depicting the thin-ideal for women are related to a negative body image among women and girls. Therefore, there is concern not only for the negative effects associated with the marketing of unhealthy products (ie, food, alcohol, and tobacco) but also for the negative effects associated with the way marketing exposure in general may influence how youth view material possessions and themselves.

Read the full paper at AAP here.

Dare we say it, advertisers influencing children.... is child's play!

4. Social Networks

Social networks, powerful platforms facilitating connections, reveal a disturbing dark side rooted in the exploitation of people for the profitability of corporations. Beneath the veneer of seemingly harmless interactions, concerns escalate as these companies prioritize revenue over user well-being. The exploitation of children involves manipulative algorithms, addictive features, and the extraction of personal data, all serving to maximize profits.

For example, Meta  -- the parent company that owns; Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and WhatsApp -- thrives on cultivating addictive usage patterns and leveraging the vulnerability of young users. Acknowledging this profit-driven exploitation is crucial to understanding the darker consequences of social networks in the context of corporate interests.

As recently as October 2023, we saw that dozens of U.S. states, including California and New York, are suing Meta Platforms Inc. for harming young people and contributing to the youth mental health crisis by knowingly and deliberately designing features on Instagram and Facebook that addict children to its platforms.

“Meta has harnessed powerful and unprecedented technologies to entice, engage, and ultimately ensnare youth and teens. Its motive is profit, and in seeking to maximize its financial gains, Meta has repeatedly misled the public about the substantial dangers of its social media platforms,” the complaint says. “It has concealed the ways in which these platforms exploit and manipulate its most vulnerable consumers: teenagers and children.”

The suits seek financial damages and restitution and an end to Meta’s practices that are in violation of the law.

Meta’s own research that found that the company knew about the harms Instagram can cause teenagers — especially teen girls — when it comes to mental health and body image issues. One internal study cited 13.5% of teen girls saying Instagram makes thoughts of suicide worse and 17% of teen girls saying it makes eating disorders worse.

Read the full article at APNews here

In response Meta replied " ...and have already introduced over 30 tools" to support teens and their families.”

30 tools! Meta assumes that parents know they are there and how to even find them. Wouldn't it be better if Meta actually cared for our kids and no tools were required?

And then there are the other Social Networking sites, including the popular site TikTok. TikTok is Chinese owned and thus we know little about it.

Here are a few points raise by sobering article by The Guardian Newspaper.

Studies show that when chronological feeds are discarded in favor of suggested content, the algorithm frequently gives rise to more extreme views. One report in 2021 showed more than 70% of extremist content found on YouTube was recommended to users by the algorithm. And it incentivizes users to share attention-grabbing content that gets picked up by the feed.

In recent years, TikTok has faced intense scrutiny for dangerous challenges the algorithm has given rise to. The “Benadryl challenge”, wherein participants took a large amount of antihistamines in an attempt to produce hallucinogenic effects, led to at least one death.

Read the article at the Guardian here

There is a list of these commonly used sites here.

5. Sexual Predators

The internet, while an incredible resource, also has a very negative side. It is all too easy to expose children to a wide array of dark influences like pornography and hate sites, shrouded in a pervasive fog of misinformation.

And it's frightening enough while children are just exploring the internet and randomly stumbling onto a website. Yet, lurking in the depths, an even graver peril emerges—the haunting nightmare of parents. Predators, insidious and cunning, infiltrate every digital nook, their evil presence intensifying on social networks,

There are predators who are directly communicating with your children to abuse them in many different ways. It could be taking pictures and sharing them with other pedophiles. Or much, much worse.

These predators can be found all over the internet, and have been online almost from the start. Social networks have made it easier for them to access your children. These predators assume deceptive guises and exploit vulnerabilities. They manipulate familial disputes, siding with the child, eroding trust until the day they coax them into the physical world, to a clandestine meeting with their newfound "friend." The horrors that emerge from this evil interaction embody every parent's deepest fears.

This is an article by the FBI, from 2011. 

“It’s an unfortunate fact of life that pedophiles are everywhere online,” said Special Agent Greg Wing, who supervises a cyber squad in our Chicago Field Office.

When a young person visits an online forum for a popular teen singer or actor, Wing said, “Parents can be reasonably certain that online predators will be there.”

It is believed that more than half a million pedophiles are online every day.

“The younger generation wants to express themselves, and they don’t realize how vulnerable it makes them,” Wing said.

Pedophiles go where children are. Before the Internet, that meant places such as amusement parks and zoos. Today, the virtual world makes it alarmingly simple for pedophiles—often pretending to be teens themselves—to make contact with young people.

Tagtmeyer and other cyber investigators say a relatively new trend among pedophiles is to begin grooming youngsters through online gaming forums, some of which allow two-way voice and video communication.

Read the article at the FBI here

'Brain Washing' or 'Mind Cleansing'?

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

The constant barrage of negativity targeting children, from sources like peer pressure, cyberbullying, advertising, social networks, and even sexual predators, can lead to stress, anxiety, and negatively impact their self-esteem. However, a secure and supportive home environment plays a crucial role in mitigating these external influences. Children who feel valued and content at home are better equipped to resist superficial allure.

The Goulding Method of SleepTalk serves as a shield against these negative influences by fostering a foundation of self-worth. It doesn't alter a child's beliefs but nurtures emotional resilience and self-esteem. This method operates during a child's most receptive hours—while they sleep. Rooted in love and happiness, parents recite a simple script conveying the powerful message, "You are loved, and you are happy."

So rather than "Brain Washing", this positive message acts like a "mind cleansing," countering day-to-day negative forces and providing an antidote to unwanted influences. The Goulding Method empowers parents to reclaim influence, ensuring their children know, at the deepest levels, that they are loved and happy amid the challenges of the modern world.

Issues that SleepTalk Helps

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

The founders, Joane and Jim Goulding, developed the process for their profoundly disadvantaged daughter Michelle - with literally life altering results for their entire family.

You can read more about their experience in the FAQS

Now the Goulding Method SleepTalk process has been evolved and expanded to deal not just with the conditions Michelle suffered, it has been used effectively by thousands of families around the world over the last 40 years for almost any issue you can name.

The Goulding Method Sleep talk assist with:*

  • The SleepTalk Method is particularly helpful when dealing with issues such as:
  • Aggression, behaviour management, stress, fear, anxiety and trauma.
  • Hyperactive, hard to control, nervous, agitated or explosive temper
  • Separation anxiety, fearfulness or general lack of confidence
  • Feeling troubled about divorce, parental separation, adoption and abandonment or other issues at home
  • Education and study, co-operation and concentration
  • Health issues such as asthma, bed-wetting, nail biting and speech
  • Sibling rivalry, negative communications, bullying, school refusal and even PTSD
  • Having trouble sleeping or experiencing nightmares
  • Fears and phobias
  • and much more
There are no contraindications with this process.

You can do no harm if you follow the procedure. Children’s healthcare professionals have been using and recommending the Goulding SleepTalk process since the 1970's. Ultimately, the Goulding Method SleepTalk is about developing a child’s emotional resilience and self esteem.

Not all children need this process but as we've seen, all children will benefit.

SleepTalk the Goulding Method gives children the best possible start in life of being happy; of feeling loved, lovable and confident within themselves.

*The Foundation Script that every parent and child starts with, (including those carers who start by seeing a Consultant first), can and often helps resolve the issues listed. If after following the instructions, and the problem is not resolving to everyone's satisfaction, we'd strongly suggest you see a SleepTalk consultant for further advice.

Do You Have What it Takes to do SleepTalk?

The Goulding Method mascot, Georgie Star. A smiling star with eyes.

All good parents want what is best for their kids.

All carers start with good intentions. Things come up; work calls, traffic delays getting home, life gets in the way.

Sometimes, at the end of the day and when the kids are asleep it's easier to put the feet up and just relax.

Unfortunately, experience has shown that when SleepTalk doesn't work out, it invariably happens because of not being ably to follow the "3Cs".

We cannot stress enough how important it is to follow these 3 primary factors. Remember professional help is at hand!

1. Compliance with the script is absolutely critical

Follow the script exactly. Do NOT change the script in any way. Experience has shown that when a parent or carer changes the Foundation script, those changes can produce unwanted outcomes.

So if you are a person who can't or won't stay "on script" and read it "word-for-word", if you'd like to tinker or adjust the foundation script in any way at all, even in the slightest way, then SleepTalk is not for you.

2. Consistently doing the procedure every night is very important

We understand that life happens, that things come up. Missing an occasional night is OK. Don't stress and importantly don't drop out. Keep following the procedure do not just stop the process. Try harder to make sure you can do it the next few nights. The problems occur when one night becomes two nights or 3 consecutive nights,  becomes one week. Stick with it. The process will still work, but might just take a little longer.

3. Commit to a minimum of 3 months is extremely important

Have you ever heard how it takes a certain amount of time to develop a new routine into a habit?

In 2009 a study done by psychologist Phillipa Lally to find exactly how long it takes a new habit to form. The research suggested that it it can be anywhere from 18-254 days. On average, the research suggests it takes more than 2 months before a new behavior becomes automatic. The exact number she arrived at was 66 days.

Read more about this research here.

We accept that this research doesn't necessarily apply to SleepTalk. Remember, sometimes change may occur as early as the next day with SleepTalk. But what this research does support, is that there is a minimum time for a behavior to become permanent.

Anecdotally, parents and consultants have found that when the parents are consistent with the outlined SleepTalk method, permanent change is much more likely for the suggestions of the Foundation Statement after 3 months. We've also found that when parents develop the routine into a habit, it becomes an enjoyable and ongoing nightly ritual, much like that last check to make sure the children haven't kicked off their covers.

If the parent commit to each night -- where missing a night is a rare occurrence --  and are prepared to consistently do it over three months (and even longer) there will be change. If after 3 month period carers are not seeing the "Primary Reason for Support" diminishing, then we would urge the parent to talk with a consultant for further advice.

4. Consultants are always available to assist

Finally, in the unlikely event that there is no noticeable changes or there are unexpected changes, we urge you to make a time to speak with a SleepTalk consultant, there are hundreds of SleepTalk Consultants around the world that will assist.

Are You Ready to do SleepTalk?

The Goulding Method SleepTalk process is a straightforward procedure done each night after your child has been asleep for a short time. It takes less than 5 minutes of your time.

We'll teach you the best time to do it and we give you an easy read script that will become a part of your life.

If you haven't already done so, do check out what the Parents and Professionals have said, and also some of the questions raised by parents and answered by Joane Goulding, the Founder of the Goulding Method.

You have absolutely nothing to lose!

Even though some people see results after just one night, we ask you to do the SleepTalk process for 3 months to make long-term change.

To match this request, we offer a 90 day refund, which is the same time you need to do the Goulding SleepTalkprocess and see results.  And we put our money where our mouth is! If you are convinced there have been no changes, we'll refund 100% of your money.

So, what do you think? 

Would you like to make a positive difference for your children? Try the Goulding Method SleepTalk process book now. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain!